The light has come and you have remembered that all is one, OMEGA. Through this remembrance, this heart-opening of your true miracle- mind, where you allow yourself to unite with each and every one you meet, you come to OMEGA, OH MEGA is the Supreme within you, here, now. And NOW is the time to expand your magnitude, to release all the gifts that God has entrusted to you and share them by extending and radiating the Great Rays.

Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God.

Truth is one. Spoken throughout the centuries, in all languages, in all cultures, rooted deep within the cell of human existence.

In ancient Greece it was taught, shared and expanded through the mystical-philosophical schools and with the deep knowledge that Truth can only be experienced within the healed mind. The ancient Greek language itself has within it the meaning of Truth. The ancient Greek alphabet is a prayerful invocation for the prevalence of the Supreme in human consciousness.

“Al fa, come on Ga! As for El, the epsilons. In igma, (ina) zi ta, ih ta, thi ta Iota kata pallan Da. (Ina) don’t go down, the small (hearth) fire is not a burial of souls, phy(s) Psyche, the great (hearth)!”

“Al, you who are the Light, come to Earth! And you El, cast your rays on the baking clay. Let there be a settlement so that the Egos can live, exist and stand upon the pulsating Earth. Let the night, which is the smallest, not prevail, and the risk burying the camp of fire be in the bubbling mud, and let the Soul, which is the Greatest, the most important of all, develop!”


The Course in Miracles is not an end it is a beginning. Omega is not an ending, it is the remembrance of the Beginning, of your true Origin, of your Creation. Omega is the eternally open portal, through which you now enter into your awareness and through which you are ever expanding into the Supreme.

Do you hear the call? The time has come NOW in you and through each and every one of you for the Omega – the Supreme to manifest and for the Earth to transform into a space of expansion, sharing of Light, Joy of Love.

Come together. Together we remember, heal, forgive, love and be loved, together we expand. Old and new encounters we all pass through the wide open Ω portal and we expand our magnitude.

~ Lectures and workshops on forgiveness and spiritual experience.

~ Encounters with old and new Course friends.

~ Teachers from different countries .

~ Light sessions and active meditations with music and movement.

27/9 - 2/10/2024






